Hi! I’m Lauren,
I'm the writer of this blog, as you probably have already discovered. I'm sure you got to this page because you'd like to know a little bit about me. Let's start with my faith journey.
I accepted God's call on my life in 2015 and decided to get baptized that year, on March 22nd. Desiring to learn more about my Savior, I began to read Scripture. I quickly recognized that as a believer, I have an active role to play in His divine plan. Although my career is in Nursing, I suspected that one day my love for writing would be used for God's glory! Four years later, in November 2019, God put it on my heart to start writing about what it means to have Him at the center of my life, particularly in a dating relationship.
Seeking counsel from godly women, studying the Bible, and reading books, I wanted to know how to pursue holiness in dating. Though dating is not explicitly referenced in the Bible, I came to realize that we can apply the Word of God to every life situation.
I have put my meditations on Scripture and reflections on real life experiences to virtual paper, aka this blog, with the hope of encouraging other women to honor God in the dating process. My desire is to see my fellow sisters in Christ flourishing in healthy, God-centered relationships. Can I get an amen?
Whether you're single, dating, or married, I pray these articles provide a smidge of wisdom and fresh perspective for you.
I also pray God continues to guide my writing and that it may be pleasing in His sight.
"Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him" (Philippians 2:12-13 NLT).